VIP Club

Join the exclusive Grootbos VIP club and gain access to a whole new world and luxurious lifestyle at Grootbos. Sign up now and we will give you our Fynbos Fieldguide for FREE!

Living life like a believer

Being a Grootbos VIP is not about the clothes you wear, which neighbourhood or country you live in or what car you drive. Being a Grootbos VIP has everything to do with what you believe in.

Do you believe that each and every one of us has the ability to change the world? Do you believe that all people need to discover diversity both in nature and in people? Do you believe in living every moment? Do you appreciate luxury in harmony with nature?

If you do, then you are our kind of VIP.

VIP Club beitreten

VIP Benefits

  • Free Fynbos Field guide

  • First to be notified of last minute specials

  • Exclusive offers for special occasions (i.e. birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)

  • Tailored updates specific to your interest

  • Your VIP Certificate

Enjoy the warmth of our hospitality

Die Grootbos Stiftung und weltweite Anerkennung

Grootbos ist weltweit führend im nachhaltigen Tourismus und hat dafür einige der renommiertesten, internationalen Auszeichnungen erhalten. Dies macht Grootbos zu einem von nur einer handvoll Hotels, die dies erreicht haben.

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