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A collection of world-class hotels that offer premium guest experiences and are committed to sustainability, community, conservation and culture.
Spanning 6 continents and a wealth of wilderness, National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World™ are places where guests can discover parts of the world that not many get to know.
Unique locations where they get the chance to slow down and truly discover the environment and help to preserve the treasures of our planet for generations to come.
Each member of the National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World™ has – at its core – the desire to protect its natural and cultural heritage, provide support for local communities and drive environmentally friendly practices.
To be named one of the National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World™, a member must not only meet all four of the National Geographic Society’s pillars but embody the spirit and drive that runs deeper than simply checking boxes. It’s a genuine commitment to safeguarding the planet’s many precious and unique locations treasures.
By choosing to stay at one of The National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World™, you are supporting the local community and environment.
You are also contributing to the valuable work of the Society’s explorers, scientists, storytellers and innovators who are working to conserve species and ecosystems, protect cultures and advance understanding of Earth and her inhabitants.
In 2003 the Grootbos Foundation was formalised with the vision to conserve the Cape Floral Kingdom and uplift the communities therein.
As a result of our ongoing efforts, we have become recognised as a leading example of sustainability and positive impact travel. Being selected as a member of National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World™ is an accolade that further cements our position as pioneers in sustainable tourism.
See Foundation WebsiteGrootbos is a world leader in sustainable tourism and has been awarded some of the highest international accolades possible, making us one of only a handful of lodges to achieve this.
The last year has been a busy one at Grootbos. We rebuilt our beloved Garden Lodge entirely and re-opened it in April 2022. We also officially launched the Grootbos Florilegium - Africa's first contemporary florilegium - which is a collection of botanical illustrations created by local and international artists, depicting the charismatic plants found on our reserve and the surrounding regions.
Click below to learn more about these exciting developments.
See New Garden Lodge See Florilegium